Code 39 and 128 (asset tracking)

If you need Code 39 or Code 128 barcode images, please order them below. We will email the barcodes to you.

Please enter the barcode data you want encoded into the “additional information” section when checking out. The data can be numeric or alpha-numeric (eg. “AB1000” to “AB1499”)

Code 39 and Code 128 barcodes are used for stock management (asset labelling) requirements, such as membership cards and library books.


  • Barcode images (in 4 different formats for convenience) in Code 39 or Code 128 formats
  • All files will be emailed to you.


Quantity Price Price per barcode
1 ₱999
2 ₱1800 ₱900 each
5 ₱3750 ₱750 each
10 ₱6500 ₱650 each
20 ₱11000 ₱550 each
100 ₱20000 ₱200 each
1000 ₱30000 ₱30 each
5000+ ₱50000 ₱10 each


Please contact us for bulk order pricing.

Buy Code 39 and 128 for asset tracking

Code 39 and 128 (asset tracking) barcodes


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